Friday, March 1, 2013

Don't Bully My Breed

I'm currently getting over some weird sickness
that I'm pretty sure is just sleep deprivation.
All of you mommies out there are probably rolling your eyes
& saying I have no clue what real sleep deprivation is
Because I guarantee you that it's no different.
I look forward to the day that I get uninterrupted sleep.
Now you're all really rolling your eyes & feeling sorry for me, huh?
Hank has really left a great impression in my heart though.
I look at him & melt. He's so handsome & so adorable.
He's my little guy & he depends on me for everything.
I love it that he bounces his way across the couch to sleep with his mama
& that he continues to fight for Comet's love.
Comet might act like he wants nothing to do with him
but I've woken up in the night to find him trying to sneak cuddle Hank.

Sometimes I feel stupid that my life is currently revolved around a puppy.
I've turned into one of those moms that can no longer hold a conversation
unless it's about their wonderful child.
Well, sue me because Hank is totally worth my time right now.
He makes me happy & makes me not so sad about Lady Bird.
He reminds me of her in so many ways but that actually makes it easier.

He turned 9 weeks old yesterday
& I'm finally coming to terms that he's growing up.
One thing that having Hank has done is open my eyes to the cruelty & ignorance of people.
I've always thought the stigma around Pit Bulls was ridiculous
but oh gosh, owning one makes those feelings explode.
I literally had someone tell me that he was going to grow up to eat my Chihuahua.
I just had to walk away.
I am so proud to own a Pit.
I am so proud to say screw you & your stupid ideas
on what's an acceptable breed of dog.
I dare you to spend time with a Pit Bull that's been loved
& tell me that it wanted to attack you.

1 comment:

  1. i love this post and our little pit bull hank. i love love love love it.

    i love you deer!

