Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Dear Diary,

Hi guys. It's me. You know, Hank the Tank?
I know you've been waiting to here from me again.
I saw Dr. Hicks a couple days ago & he was impressed with the 8lbs I'd gained!
That brings my total to 32 pounds!
I can officially beat Ollie up now, although I don't think I want to test those waters.
(She's crazy! I know who the boss is around here!
Mom & dad are so funny thinking that they rule the roost! Ha!)
My vet experience was not so great this time.
We're hoping our technician was new & not just an idiot.
Dr. Hicks even seemed a little baffled by her.
I wanted to tell her to piss off but mom wouldn't let me.
She needs to learn some soothing techniques
& quit hitting me on the head lady!!
Mom & dad were pretty upset with her.
I heard them saying naughty words the whole way home.
I'm not really sure though because all I did was sleep.
The put something in my shoulder that beeps when a machine goes over it.
I do not like it but mom says this way I can be found if lost.
She says I don't have to go back for 6 months, whatever that means.

xoxo - Hank

PS. I milked my pain level for a good 24 hours this time. They are such suckers.

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