Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weekly Round-Up: July 15-21

1. The "Cone of Shame" was a guest at our house until Hank literally ate it off his head.
2. Our neighbors are amazing & brought this back from vacation for us.
You have no idea how hard it is to find vintage deer things that don't look like this.
3. & 4. We got Hank a 99 cent hot dog toy & it makes him sad?
If you squeak it at him, he whines at it & then goes into a full-on Ollie-like howl.
It made my heart so happy. I didn't think I'd ever hear dog singing again after Ollie passed.
5. & 6. My sister-in-law was in town this weekend so we spent the day at my father-in-law's house,
complete with cooking out, swimming & cute babies.
7. This is Allen or better known as "Al-Pal". 
He was sad & I kept accidentally tormenting him 
by looking in his direction while he was locked in the hall away from the family.
8. Oh you know, just Hank & Comet being best friends. I love those two.

There is potential to add another friend in the mix for these two in the coming days.
Hank really needs a playmate that's his size so we're just trying to figure out what's best for our family physically, emotionally & financially. It's a big decision to bring another dog into a home that's already got a "settled" dog.. not to mention a 7 year old & 8 pound settled dog.. so we just want to really be comfortable before we make any final decisions. I'll be sure to keep you updated on that!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you like the deer! It really is hard to find cute ones, but it makes it a fun goal when we go antiquing to be on the lookout for them!
