Thursday, February 14, 2013

Schmalentine's Day.

I heard a call on KJ103 this morning where a couple decided 
to set a low limit of $100 for each other's gifts 
but she admitted to spending $250 anyway.
He didn't know what to do & was freaking out.
I'm talking 'this is the worst thing that could possibly happen,
I'm going to shit my pants' freak out.

What the hell is wrong with people?

I didn't even realize that people were that serious about this silly holiday to begin with,
let alone that $100 is a SMALL limit to spend!
Is this real? I mean it, is it?
Is this what normal people do every February 14th?
& then so what if she did decide to spend more?
Why did she even feel the need to admit it? There's nothing to gain by doing so.
& even so, does that really hurt your ego that bad 
that your girl spent more on you then you did her?

This is all I've thought about all day.
It shocks me but it also scares me that people care so much.
Don't get a wrong, I'm not a Valentine's Day "hater".
I don't see anything wrong with people celebrating their love
by dressing up & buying gifts for one another.
The reason this day kills me is because of the desperation that comes with it.
People are desperate to not be alone.
Desperate to have the most perfect evening.
Desperate to show the world how perfect their love is.
I guess it's more so that half the people that freak out over this day,
treat their significant other like crap the rest of the year
& think that by making this day awesome, they've made up for their bullshit.

Okay, sorry everyone. I'm done.
You guys have fun parading your significant other around town,
fine dining & getting lavish gifts.
You'll be able to find Ryan & I at the Thunder Game
for the second Valentine's in a row.

& I can almost guarantee it'll be a better time than yours.


  1. Yikes! The mt dew i got my valentine is WAY under budget! Good thing he loves me anyway. And together we are sharing our love with our realtor looking at houses tonight. Ah romance ;)

  2. I love you so much! People are so nutty... I'm glad we're on the same page.

    <3 Hubby
