See the previous week here.
I'm in the mood to write nonsense. I skipped weeks in the list because I don't feel like doing some of them.
I'm in the mood to write nonsense. I skipped weeks in the list because I don't feel like doing some of them.
It's my blog, okay? I'll do what I want.
Apologies in advance for this entry. I'm writing while frustrated so....
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
1. Moms that think their kids poop gold.
Let's be realistic moms. Your kid screams, doesn't sleep through the entire night
every night and is sometimes a straight up little snot for no reason at all.
I can't stand moms that sugar coat everything.
I'd rather you admit to me that being a mom is exhausting and you just need a break
then tell me for the 50th time that you're baby does everything perfect.
2. When people try to tell you what you should do with your money
when they know nothing about you and your finances.
If I come to you and want advice, that's completely different.
Don't ever comment to me that since I was able
to spend money on this then I should be able to do that.
You know nothing.
3. When people talk bad about their kids in front of their kids.
I've seen this way to much and my heart breaks for those kids.
You're welcoming a long life of depression and no self worth
to those kids.
4. Calling someone out of the crowd randomly to pray for the group.
5. Pregnant people that complain about being pregnant.
I get that there are sides to pregnancy that aren't so fun & really rather gross,
But why not seem a little more thankful that you could actually get pregnant?
6. Don't tell me how much you paid for your car or television. I don't care.
7. Someone that tells the exact same stories over and over and over again.
You really couldn't remember that we had this exact same conversation yesterday?
And last week? And two months ago?
8. People that don't have the guts to confront a problem with someone.
It's not fun having to tell your friend that they're being an ass.
But please, just do it. I don't want to hear from someone else
that you think I'm an ass. I think that disqualifies you as a friend.
Also, apologies go a long way.
9. Laughing at suicide, attempted suicide or abortion.
I don't care if you're the funniest damn person on the planet.
Make a joke about those things and I'm done.
10. The people across the street from us that let their dogs bark
in their front yard at midnight, do drug deals in the median,
that scream at each other through the house,
and that get in fist fights with women on the front lawn.
You drive me CRAZY.
Amen to many of those but especiallynumber 10!