Friday, August 2, 2013

The King.

This guy has been apart of our lives for just over a week.
It feels like longer some days, 
while others you can still definitely tell he's new to the clan.

Having another dog has been weird yet also just comfortable.
If Hank hadn't have instantly loved him, I wouldn't have been able to do it honestly.
I wasn't sure when we brought him home how I'd feel about a new dog in Ollie's space.
I was having major anxiety about it until I saw Hank's face.
That pure joy I hadn't seen since a week before Ollie died.
I knew right then that Hank needed him.
& if Hank needed him, we did too.
I promise Hank is actually happy. ;) He's just pouting because he wants in the front seat.
Can I just say that having dogs that ride in cars like champs is such a special bonus to me?
I love being able to take my dogs everywhere with me.
If I could get away with it, they would never leave my side.
Service dogs here we come?

He's found his spot in the family fairly easy.
Hank & Comet love him & that love is definitely returned.
He's really been a good dog & I do already love him so.
The only behavioral issue we've found so far is jumping up on people
...or objects in general.
Other than that, he is just so damn happy all of the time.

Hank & King are definitely just the beginning of the love affair with pits we'll have forever.

On a side note, Ryan & I started smoking again a little bit when Ollie died.
I don't feel bad about it. We lost a family member. We coped.
We decided to start vaping so that we wouldn't be tempted to buy cigarettes.
& our new vapes are awesome.
I'm accepting this as a positive thing. We can't all be perfect right?

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you guys! He seems like a good fit and he's so cute!
