Friday, August 9, 2013

Weekly Round-Up: July 29-August 4

Life has felt a little hectic as of late 
(hence it taking 4 days longer than usual to do my weekly round-up of last week).
Our evenings have not been filled with the usual busyness or plans...
But adding another dog to our lives has made me feel hectic
& I'm ready for that to go away.
Hank & King are still pretty much a constant wrestle match.
I can't pet one without the other ruining the fun.
I love all 3 of them to death,
I just miss some good ole one-on-one relax time with my dogs.

Also, I'm going through a phase where I don't want stuff.
Well, I do. But only stuff that's useful to our lives or that brings us joy.
I want to live a more minimalist life.
A life that I could pack into 500 square feet if I needed.
Watch out Youngs-Englewood Neighborhood,
you just might hit the jackpot in front of our house next big trash day.

1. The very first thing we did this month was pay our car off! We were shooting for 2 years, but we still managed to pay it off within 3. It's going to feel so nice next month when that payment isn't there.
2. I don't even know what's happening here. They just need to be by each other always.
3. Picked up this little coyote skull from The Salvage Room.
4. These two boys. They are crazy & stressful at times. But always heartwarming.
5. My sister got me tickets to see her most recent musical production of "9 to 5" & it was actually really good. I didn't really know what to expect to be honest but I loved it. Afterwards we had "the best BBQ that ever exists" only it wasn't. At all. It was good but it wasn't GOOD.
6. It's a rare occasion that I can snap a picture of Hank without King jumping in.
Although, Comet is trying to steal the shot. I can guarantee that he was trying to mount Hank within 5 seconds of my camera clicking. My dogs are total perverts.

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